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January News

Writer's picture: Kathryn Feazel-KwiatkowskiKathryn Feazel-Kwiatkowski

Here are the most recent updates and new items: * As always, we plan to walk in the Martin Luther King Day parade this year on Sat., Jan. 18th. Lineup at Beck Rec Center, finish at Howard Schooll where we will have a voter registration/information table. More details will follow.

We will resume our regular schedule of 1st Tuesday, 9:00AM at Aunny’s on Front Street, beginning Feb, 4 for Speakeasy Breakfast.

* Feb. 4th is also ELECTION DAY in our Georgetown County Sheriff Special Election. * Our next monthly GCDP meeting is Thursday, January 9th at 6PM at our headquarters at 149 King St, in Georgetown. We will be going over the plans for the next few busy months! * Jan. 29 is the deadline to register to vote for anyone who wants to vote in the Democratic Presidential Primary on Feb. 29th. Check you registration and update it if necessary before the deadline at Remind friends and family! * The Democratic Women’s Council will meet on Monday, Jan. 28th at 530 PM at GCDP headquarters at 149 King St.  * The last Democratic Presidential Debate will be held at the Gaillard in Charleston on Feb. 25th.  Ticket information has not been provided yet. * The Fundraising Committee is meeting in January to begin initial planning for this year’s “Blue Sunday” event, tentatively scheduled for May 3rd. Even if you are not a member of the fundraising committee, they could use some help with planning the event. If you’d like to assist, please let me know and I’ll get you in touch.Thanks to the fundraising committee for the excellent job on last year’s event and for the just-completed capital campaign for our Headquarters Fund. Our generous donors a ensured we will have our HQ for another year! THANK YOU! * Our County Convention and Precinct Reorganization meetings will be held on March 14th.  If you want to be a delegate to the State Democratic Convention and beyond, you must attend your precinct reorganization meetings.  Location and schedule details will be coming in the next few weeks.  We will also be electing a slate of party officers.  If ever there was a time to step up and into an executive slot, 2020 is that time! There is information about the processes that occur at the meetings and convention on the web site, or you can contact me directly. * Finally, April will be here before you know it and that’s when we pick our Vida Miller Scholarship Winner. If you’d like to donate to the scholarship fund, you may do so on line at our web site( )  under the “DONATE” tab and just specify in your comment that it’s for the VMSF, or mail a check made our to GCDP to us at PO Box 2497, Georgetown, SC 29442. If you’d like to help the Scholarship Committee with their work, please let me know and I’ll connect you with them. * Lastly, our Saturday voter registration/information stations will be starting up again this month and volunteers are appreciated. We are doing this in conjunction with Club 142 and the League of Women Voters at various locations around the county – EVERY Saturday. If you’d like to help, contact Joan Dore at  or contact me. Have a very Happy New Year and let’s work to make November, 2020 especially joyful! Deb Smith, Chair GCDP ‪843-830-3996‬ 

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