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Committees? Where it's at!

Deb Smith, Chair

Want to make a difference in advancing the Democratic ideals of our Party right here in your home county? Then consider joining one of our standing committees. These groups are where the "rubber meets the road" and we get things done! They are not very time consuming and you can attend meetings via conference call if necessary. So please consider the following & contact the person listed if you can help:

1. Fundraising - Chair, Bill Cross - very active right now planning our spring event (

We can use people experienced with event planning, scheduling, organizational skills, or just plain enthusiasm.

2. Vida Miller Scholarship - Chair, Nancy Kolman - Nancy will shepherd the committee in prepping for this spring's award. Active NOW, so please let her know if you can help. ( By the way, donations are needed right now to fund this year's scholarship awards. Go to

3. Community Outreach - Directs all our local awareness, visibility, and engagement efforts. No current chair. Please let me know if you may be interested in serving on this vital committee. (

4. Candidate Recruitment and Support - No current chair. This committee will work to identify, recruit and support strong Democratic candidates for local, state, and national positions. Local knowledge is helpful, but not required.(

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